So, you are asking yourself, “What is Team Polenta?” Team Polenta is a group of Italian and Italian wannabe cyclists dedicated to the concept that the only way to cycle is the “Italian Way.” Team Polenta was started by two “polentoni” and an American cyclist who is coming back as an Italian in his next life.
A polentoni is a person who comes from Northern Italy, where they tend to eat more polenta than pasta. Adriano Canzi and his son Gabriele are from Sant’ Agata, a suburb of Gorgonzola, which is just north of Milan. The other co-founder, and self proclaimed “capitano,” is Jeffrey Berman, who was forced to reject his heritage and take Bermanelli as his last name in order to become a member of Team Polenta. Although he was born in Los Angeles, Jeff has been to Italy about thirty times and will tell you that he is an expert on anything Italian (with the exception of soccer).
Adriano, previously lived in Los Angeles, but has located to the San Diego area. Jeff was born and raised in Los Angeles, and not going anywhere, except perhaps Italy to ride.
Adriano is a consultant whose goal is to develop the World’s first “Government Grade Biometric Computer on Card”. Jeff is a retired labor lawyer who, during his five decades of practicing law was a partner in three international law firms: Proskauer Rose, Sidley Austin, and Seyfarth Shaw. Jeff is also an ordained minister.
Gabriele, who has a Ph.D. in nano-technology, whatever that is, and works for Illumina,“a leading developer, manufacturer, and marketer of life science tools and integrated systems for large-scale analysis of genetic variation and function,” whatever that means.
Adriano is married to his high school sweetheart from Sant’ Agata, Patrizia Lissoni, who previously taught Italian to Jeff and his wife Susan, and taught Italian at Pepperdine University. In addition to their son Gabriele, Adriano and Patrizia have a daughter, Chiara, who lives in Virginia where she works as a journalist and a mother of two very active twin girls. Not to worry, Adriano and Patrizia are not lonely “empty nesters.” They live with their cats Tia, Theo and Toby.
Although Jeff and his wife Susan, a retired psychologist, have no children, they have had lots of cats. Currently there are two: Theodore (aka “Teddy”) and his sister Maggie.
We are passionate for all things Italian, especially food and wine , and Italian bikes. We are especially proud of the Italian cycling heritage. Of course, Italian women are recognized as being among the most beautiful in the world. And, once the cycling season is over, all Italians are mindful of the Roman saying “panem et circenses,” (“give them bread and circus shows”), and turn their attention to the greatest show on earth, Italian politics.